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What is the role of physiotherapy in orthopedic diseases and what are the benefits in controlling, treating, and reviving orthopedic disorders?

Time to read : 5 minutes

Orthopedic physiotherapy is a type of physiotherapy that controls, treats, and revives orthopedic disorders. Orthopedic disorders include disorders of the musculoskeletal system that cover a wide range of disorders.

Orthopedic physiotherapy is a type of physiotherapy that controls, treats, and revives orthopedic disorders. Orthopedic disorders include disorders of the musculoskeletal system that cover a wide range of diseases.

The main areas of orthopedic disorders are peripheral joints and spinal joints, which include: knee joint, pelvic joint, lumbar spine, cervical spine, shoulder joint, ankle joints, elbow joint, wrist joints, etc.

Musculoskeletal disorders and the involvement of the ligaments and internal components of the joints can also cause musculoskeletal disorders.

Following the occurrence of musculoskeletal disorders due to the affected area, symptoms such as pain, joint stiffness, limited range of motion, local anesthesia, disturbed gait pattern, sleep disturbances and lack of comfortable sleep, and many other symptoms of This will happen.

Also, by disrupting the musculoskeletal structure of the body in different areas, inflammation of the affected area is the first thing that happens.


Specialized physiotherapy of the affected areas, in the first step, can help control the inflammation of the affected area and relieve pain. The continuation of the treatment process can be done using various physiotherapy techniques such as Electrotherapy, Manual Therapy techniques, Stretch Exercises, Strength Exercises, Dry Needle Technique, taping techniques, and specialized therapeutic exercises that helped to eliminate the disorders and return the tissue to normal conditions.


It should be noted that due to lifestyle changes and mechanization of daily activities, as well as the lack of adequate time to do sports activities in many jobs, musculoskeletal disorders have affected people in society. Examples include radicular pain in the lower limbs, numbness of the fingers and toes, and pain and cramping in the shoulders muscles. These disorders initially present as mild pain or slight limitations in movement, but if left unchecked and untreated in the early stages, these disorders can severely limit and affect people's lives.

In case of any pain or movement limitation, even to a small extent, you can use our counseling services to prevent more serious problems.


Dr Hassan Tamartash

PhD in Physiotherapy

Member of Iranian Physiotherapy Association

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Dr Hassan Tamartash